Thursday, September 27, 2012


可是不在乎你的話...也不會想起你 :c
你會選擇被愛還是去愛? 其時被愛才是比較好的.真心愛你的人是不會離你而去, 不管你怎樣對他 他都會留在你身邊. 但人...總會有期限的...想要愛你, 守護你的人, 也不可能一輩子等你. 我們也千萬不要玩弄他們的感情. 也許我們一開始對他们沒感情, 但每個人都有值得愛的地方. 

We can be stupid together
Sometimes I think the line between friendship and higher love is a blur. What eventually causes that leap? Is it when we've known each other for quite some time, share many laughs together, that they are always on your mind? 當你孤單時 會想到誰? Or the ultimate choice is perhaps, we realize our lives become empty without them. They make us happy, they make us smile. 
To love, or be loved? 你會繼續愛一個根本不重視你存在的人嗎? 如果真心在乎一個人, 每一分每一秒能陪他們的時間都不會想錯過...

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